Kid's Activities

Coaching classes

If you are looking for additional lessons or coaching for your little ones, this page provides some ideas.

Chemistry and Science Tuitions: Online and Private lessons by Dr. Meena Sundari of Uster, for kids aged 10 and above, IGCSE, CGSE, AQA Boards, Swiss and Matura. Email:

English & Maths – Kumon: This method originally from Japan, is now known all over the world.  English & Maths are taught. It starts from basics – alphabets, numbers and helps children build up proficiency over time. For more details check:

Club WUNDERMATHE: For kids who find the school courses boring, the Wundermathe club in Dubendorf and Oerlikon provides courses that help children better understand the rules of mathematics with tricky brain games, spatial 3D combinations and fun calculations – the best fitness for the brain. Website: Mathemalanders

A to Z English:

ElKi Deutsch Classes: German classes for kids, prior to starting kindergarten, Monday or Wednesday. Webpage: