Indian Clothing & Beauty Parlours

Beauty Parlours, Tailoring & Indian Costume Rentals

Beauty Parlours:

For women who prefer the Indian style of pampering and styling and are more comfortable with threading eyebrows, Indian hair massage, facials etc, here is a list of Beauty Parlours in Zurich for threading, hair-cuts, facials etc. They  provide some or all of the following: threading eye brows, Indian style steaming  and other facials, manicures, pedicures, hair cuts, trimming and styling, Indian head massage with oil, Henna/Mehendi, hair colouring etc.

Shaping eyebrows with waxing and hair styling/trimming services are available in local hair styling places like Gidor Coiffure.

Beauty Salons
Indian Costumes/Jewellery Rentals
Indian Tailoring, Alterations