The largest online information portal for the Swiss Indian community in Switzerland
We launched this site in 2018 to provide a single platform of information relevant to the Swiss Indian community, South-Asian communities and other nationalities integrating into Zurich and Switzerland.
A one-point stop of information for the Indo Swiss communities, we facilitate connections between businesses, service providers and users by providing information about Indian products and services, culture and arts, based in Zurich and Switzerland. And highlight information about Zurich and the Swiss Indian diaspora to the world. We update events, workshops, classes etc regularly and send a weekly newsletter highlighting these. Please subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to receive regular relevant updates.
We also design, develop and maintain websites including content writing in English.
This is us in a nutshell. We connect people and facilitate integration!
Local Schools
Chemistry, Math, English
Coming soon
German, French, Italian
Venues, Cakes, Pics
Coding, Sport, Painting, Horse riding and more..
Short-term & Long-term rentals
Regular & Moving out
Across Switzerland
Coming Soon
Integration, Transport
Grocery, Furniture, Clothing
Online resources
Books & Libraries
Upcoming Events at a glance, bringing you culture, art and more..